Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

We want to take a moment today to simply wish you the absolute best for 2013. Happy New Year!

Thank you for being part of our community. We are here to support you and promise to continue to deliver valuable content that will not only enhance your business, but your quality of life as well.

Cheers! Here's to your best year ever!

Your Partners!

Friday, December 28, 2012

How mobile shopping will improve in the future

While the growth in mobile shopping was one of the big stories of 2012, continued success is likely to be driven as much by how retailers leverage emerging technologies to enhance the omnichannel shopping experience as by higher smartphone penetration levels.

Mobile’s ubiquity is one of the reasons for its success with consumers as a shopping tool, but the experience as it stands today lacks richness. However, retailers have an opportunity to leverage emerging mobile technologies to enhance the experience through touch, sight and smell, according to IBM.

“Part of what we are trying to address is taking the best of the mobile experience, which is the ability to go remote and to be pervasive and add in some of the richness and the qualities that are important in human experiences,” said Robyn Schwartz, associate director of retail analytics at IBM Research.
“Our appetites and interests have matured to a point where the qualities that have become more important tend to be more emotional rather than functional,” she said.

“The ability to address those in a real and intuitive way enhances the whole experience.”

Immersive experiences
While mobile traffic and sales increased significantly during the recent holiday shopping season, mobile still only accounts for approximately 25 percent of traffic to ecommerce sites and 15 percent of purchases.

Going forward, the trend toward enhancing the in-store experience will focus on creating more immersive experiences that are less about technology and more about what a user’s goals are. Some of this is already in place with the use of augmented reality, location-based services and extreme personalization.

“The mobile shopping experience is an isolating experience,” Ms. Schwartz said. “It is definitely lacking in the richness visually that a bigger screen can bring or the in-store tactile experience.
“What it is rich is that it is already becoming more and more ubiquitous,” she said. “Today, I can be sitting on a bus and get my errands done or scan something and it gives you that immediate access that you need.”

The omnichannel shopper
Retailers will begin to look at their business in terms of an omnichannel shopping experience and the commingling of all the channels.

As a result of this omnichannel approach, mobile’s role in shopping will become more important as it acts as a conduit to shape retail experiences based on whatever information is stored on a user’s phone, such as favorite colors and textures as well as buying habits.

“What we think is going to happen with retail is this kind of unifying experience that happens across touch points in support of the customer’s end goal, whatever that may be,” Ms. Schwartz said.
“Mobile can be the conduit of our personal experiences, which are imbedded within a device that ends up shaping a personal experience in a physical store or an augmented store,” she said.

“The phone recedes as a pure physical piece of it but becomes much more important as a surrogate for the shopper to help define, shape and mold the experience.”

Emerging technologies
Based on social and market trends as well as emerging technologies, IBM predicts mobile will be able to better harness the sensations of touch, sight and smell to improve the mobile shopping experience within the next five years.

IBM is developing applications for retail that use tactile and infrared technologies to enable users to “feel” the texture and weave of a fabric or product by brushing their finger over the item’s image on a mobile phone screen.

“We believe that using pressure sensitive technologies through the phone that the phone becomes an intermediary for touch,” Ms. Schwartz said.

“This will enable an artisan in a far off country to use the phone to give a customer somewhere else the feel of the product she made,” she said.

Retailers will also be able to better harness of the visual data stored on mobile devices, such as the images shared on social networks, to make better recommendations for products consumers may want to buy.

Smartphones will also be able to detect smells and analyze them to determine if a user is coming down with a cold, for example, or determine whether someone is in an area with high pollution.
Other advances that could affect retailers include the ability for phones to interpret the sounds nearby a user and understand where they are or what is happening as well as the ability to experience flavor.
“Today, the phone is thought of as a diversion,” Ms. Schwartz said.

“What we are talking about is using the phone to enhance or create a more immersive experience, “she said. “To make people more aware of their present conditions or augmenting that using technologies that enhance the sensations of visual, touch and smell.”

Get mobile us to get mobile tomorrow!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why You Need a Mobile Website

How Zales could have driven sales through its mobile campaign

Zales is currently running a mobile ad campaign that entices consumers to shop its collection. Although the company has great intentions with the initiative, it falls short in many ways.

Firstly, it is never a good thing to encourage consumers to shop via mobile and then take them to an unoptimized page. Retailers should know by now that consumers do not like to pinch-and-zoom.

When a brand is determining strategy for their mobile push/pull campaigns there should always be a thoughtful process to story board out each element in order to produce the proper results to gauge future mobile strategies.

Falling short
Zales is running the mobile ad campaign within People’s mobile site.
The banner ad reads “Shop Now. The Celebration Diamond Collection. Zales.”

When consumers tap on the mobile ad they are redirected to the company’s Web site where they have to pinch-and-zoom to browse the content on their screen.

This not only helps diminish the user experience, but does not leave consumers wanting to buy anything.

Zales has a mobile site that consumers can visit by entering on their mobile browser.
The company would have been better off sending consumers to its mobile site where they can have an optimized experience, and thus, helping Zales drive sales for its Celebration collection.
It is important that marketers optimize their content on mobile.

The space is no longer an add-on, but a necessity for customers.

Furthermore, consumers are constantly on-the-go and are beginning to turn to their mobile devices to make purchases.    Their website is not mobile friendly, is yours?

Therefore, making sure all aspects of a campaign are optimized is critical for marketers, such as Zales.

Going forward, marketers need to test out their campaigns to make sure that the intiative provides a seamless experience for consumers.

Customers are becoming more tech-savvy by the minute and demand a lot more of their favorite brands.

Mobile evolution
Over the past few years, Zales has been dipping its toes in the mobile space.
Last year, the jewelry retailer rolled out a mobile commerce-enabled site that lets consumers browse and buy products from the company’s entire inventory.

This year, Zales enlisted mobile to link an ad in an issue of Cosmopolitan magazine to its Pinterest page as a way to drive engagement for its products and, ultimately, sales.

A critical factor to take into account is where your consumers will be when they are receiving a message – if the ad is created for mobile the consumer will, indeed be on their mobile when they click through, if the click through outcome takes the consumer to a non mobile friendly site, the consumer will 99 percent of the time, simply ‘move on’ and the entire campaign will have been a waste of effort.   Why? Their website is not mobile friendly, is yours?

Contact us today and get mobile tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big spenders: Mcommerce not just for small purchases any longer

With consumers spending as much as $48,000 on purchases made via mobile, it is clear that the medium is not just for small-ticket purchases any longer.

In the early days, many thought no one would use mobile for purchases other than small ticket items such as digital downloads. While several recent examples disprove this idea, the majority of consumers are still not comfortable making very large purchases via mobile.

“As consumers increase their use of mobile and become more comfortable on devices, we are seeing that this is leading to higher purchase amounts,” said Claudia Lombana, shopping specialist at PayPal, San Jose, CA. “We are not seeing these every day, however.”

“It comes down to the flexibility and convenience on mobile, which is unparalleled so people are becoming more comfortable making higher-end purchases,” she said.

$48k bulldozer
PayPal this week revealed that the largest mobile transaction it has processed so far this year was for a $48,000 bulldozer.

In comparison, the largest mobile purchase made last year via PayPal topped out at $40,000.
The payments provider also reported that the other top mobile transactions for 2012 include $46,500 for a diamond necklace, $46,000 for a coin collection, $40,000 for another diamond necklace and $40,00 for a painting.

While PayPal is not releasing data on the average order size for mobile, it is reporting significant growth in the volume of transactions made via mobile, with PayPal nearly tripling its mobile payment volume on Cyber Monday compared to last year.

The numbers reported by PayPal point to how quickly activities that were once popular on desktop are migrating to mobile.

Parent company eBay reports selling over 2,000 automobiles weekly via its eBay Motors app. Several airplanes have also been sold via the app.

“I look at these figures as a sign that people’s comfort level with mobile as a purchasing channel is pretty high,” said Nikki Baird, managing partner at RSR Research, Miami, FL.

“How long did it take from when the first eCommerce site went up until a purchase of that size was transacted over the Internet vs. being able to say the same thing for mobile,” she said. “I suspect it happened a lot quicker on mobile, in part because people tend to see mobile commerce as merely an extension of the Web site.”

Frequency gains
While the average purchase price on mobile may be trending upward, the more impressive gain is in the frequency with which mobile users are purchasing via their devices.

“Without a doubt, basket size and actual purchase amounts have increased over last year but the more exciting trend is the increase in purchase frequency,” said Joy Liuzzo, president of Wave Collapse, Washington.

“People are finding that mobile can satisfy a wider range of purchase motivations and purchase needs, which translates into them turning to mobile more often,” she said.

Driving future growth
Several issues need to be addressed by merchants for the average order price via mobile to continue to grow and for mobile commerce, in general, to continue to grow.

One of the key inhibitors to mobile commerce is the continued lack of an omnichannel experience, per Ms. Liuzzo.

“Very few companies are able to link our mobile and online shopping baskets, even when there is registration information,” Ms. Liuzzo said. “Shoppers are not always ready or able to make a purchase immediately and by locking them into coming back to the original shopping cart, companies are limiting their ability to complete the sale.”

Another area that merchants need to address is leveraging mobile data to deliver offers to users based on what they have previously purchased.

“Affinity purchases – upsell/cross-sell – are going to be much more difficult on mobile than on traditional Web, just because of the real estate limitations,” RSR Research’s Ms. Baird said. “So retailers need to get very targeted and personalized to make sure that the few offers they can put in front of mobile shoppers are the absolute most relevant, best offers for that particular customer.”

Your customers are mobile, are you?

Did you know that more than 80% of all reservations are made online through mobile phones? Can your customer's find your company in the mobile marketplaces?

Mobile Applications are the hottest new method of online advertising today. Our team of experienced professionals will design, develop, and promote your company in all major mobile marketplaces for 70% less than competitors!

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We will gain you instant mobile marketplace exposure in just 30 days. Your customer's are mobile... are you?


Monday, December 3, 2012

QR codes draw promotional offers

Promotional offers a draw

Overall, we saw over a quarter of a million scans completed between 7 p.m. eastern time on Thanksgiving Day and 7 p.m. eastern time on Black Friday using the mobile app, making it the busiest day to date for mobile bar code traffic.

The numbers also suggest QR codes are shaping up to be a good way for marketers to deliver rebate offers, with the single best QR code marketing campaign on Black Friday delivering a promotional rebate offer for a popular DVD title.

By category, the consumer electronics and retail industries saw the most mobile bar code scans on Black Friday.

Other key findings include that during the third quarter, almost 4 million new people scanned mobile bar codes, representing a 45 percent increase over the same period last year.

Are you offering promotions to draw in clients?  Let us help you TODAY!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

QR code scans jumped 50pc on Black Friday


QR codes help marketers close sales
In a sign of the growing role that mobile plays in helping consumers make purchasing decisions, mobile bar code scans on Black Friday increased 50 percent, according to a recent study.

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year and consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to scan QR codes and UPC codes that appear on products, in-store displays and ads to help them make informed buying decisions. The numbers also point to continued adoption of QR codes by marketers and media publishers.

We believe that this holiday season, QR codes are helping retailers close sales and amplify their message via social networks.

Showrooming is here to stay, but QR codes can give shoppers the confidence they need to shorten the path to purchase.  Seventy five percent of the scans from Black Friday that were processed came from QR codes and they will undoubtedly play a large role in holiday shopping.

What are you waiting for?  Get your QR Code TODAY and close more sales tomorrow!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The mobile, social link

Many of our clients recently launched new versions of its mobile bar code application for Android and iOS users to make it easier for users to discover the best QR codes and products via Facebook.
To promote the app and mobile bar code scans, they are running a "Like It to Win" holiday giveaway, giving mobile users who download the app, scan a mobile bar code and indicate their favorite scans a chance to win an Amazon gift card.

Over 15,000 “Likes” have been recorded so far. The most liked brands are Best Buy, Kohl’s, Heinz and Samsung.

“This data is showing that people of course like content that provides holiday shopping deals, but they are also giving their approval on a Heinz Corporate Giving effort” Mr. Wehrs said.
“This again proves the potential for QR codes to go far beyond just leading a consumer to a product’s Web site,” he said.

“Interestingly, all of the most liked items are from content that is made for mobile, and none that were PC formatted. This shows again that people appreciate getting content on their mobile device that is relevant and easy to use.”

What mobile strategy do you have?  Get started TODAY so you'll have more "Likes" tomorrow!

Mobile is fastest growing segment of social advertising

Facebook mobile use will drive social ad revenues
Mobile social ad revenues will grow at a faster pace than desktop social ad revenues to reach $1.47 billion by 2016, according to a new report from BIA/Kelsey.
The fall update to BIA/Kelsey’s U.S. Local Media Forecast reveals that, although mobile social advertising is expected to grow quickly, it will still struggle to capture full revenue share because of several limitations. This is the first time BIA/Kelsey has broken out mobile numbers within its social advertising forecast.
“Right now, mobile social ad revenue is a fraction of desktop spend and it remains a fraction of desktop spend for the life of this forecast,” said Jed Williams, program director for social local media at BIA/Kelsey, Chantilly, VA. “But if you look at the overall growth of mobile social advertising, it has the most explosive or volatile growth of all of the various components of social advertising.
“If you think about where consumers are from a platform perspective, they are on mobile increasingly,” he said. “And, if you think about what they are doing on mobile, increasingly a large share of that is social networking.
“So if you tie those together, wherever you fit in the business marketplace, you have to think about the nexus of those two ideas. You have to reach consumers on mobile devices and you have to reach them in effective ways where they are utilizing those mobile devices.”


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Increase Holiday Shopping With a Mobile Website

Rather than spending your time or limited budget on even just Android and iOS apps, putting those same resources behind a single mobile website will be a much better investment when you are entering the mobile marketplace. . Since Android and iOS apps are built using different programming languages, it’s not as simple as just submitting the same app to both app stores. A mobile website also gives you the flexibility that it will display on ANY mobile device, so if your visitors have Blackberrys or Windows Mobile phones, your website will be just a usable to them as it would be to a visitor using an Android or an iPhone.
The most important thing to do when planning a mobile website is seriously thinking through how your visitors would use the site and which information is most important to your visitors. Easy mapping/direction features? Yes Quick ways to email or call your office? Yes. Physical brochure order form? Probably not.

Get started NOW!  Our price for the next 72 hours is $495 and your mobile website is live within a week.

Contact us at

Your customers will thank you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What can a mobile sales tool do for you?

Uncover new revenue opportunities through a custom mobile sales tool. For years we have been breaking down walls between businesses and consumers through our mobile sales strategy, design, and technology. Mobile ApplicationsMobile WebsitesMobile CouponsMobile Landing PagesQR codesText Message CampaignsWebsite DesignSocial Media Integration We do it all for you, saving you time and money.  Our prices are 70% below competitors, giving you the same great quality and service.  Mobile marketplaces have allowed business sales to increase 67% nationwide. What can one do for you?

If you are ready to take the next step, CLICK HERE to request more information

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Savvy shoppers use mobile on Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday

 Cyber Monday is a big thing for retailers.

A recent study from PriceGrabber found that most Cyber Monday consumers will shop from home. Thus, the mobile presence increases.

PriceGrabber recently ran a survey that revealed that when consumers who plan to shop on Cyber Monday were asked to specify from where they plan to shop, 83 percent indicated home, 11 percent said work and 6 percent said they will shop on the go from a mobile device.

The company believes that consumers’ mobile shopping plans continue to increase this holiday season, up from the four percent of customers that planned to shop from a mobile device on Cyber Monday last year.

“When it comes to mobile, consumers are going to be shopping more with their mobile devices than last year,” said James Brown, director of merchant accounts at PriceGrabber.

“Consumers are using smartphones to comparison shop,” he said. “One thing that we found through smartphone usage and mobile usage is that shoppers are more savvy.

“Most savvy shoppers are going to start the shopping process earlier and the idea of waiting. If they see things they want they will find those deals.”

Get ready for the holiday shopping season today!

Contact us, your full service mobile strategy partner:

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Mobile Marketing Trends That Are Changing Ecommerce

Today is Black Friday.  It was interesting that one merchant 'hid' their Black Friday sales and only notified potential buyers that had downloaded their mobile app.  Does your business have a mobile app? 

You may wonder, "how do you know that?"  Well...the person I was with did not have the mobile app for this business and when I got the notificaiton of the "huge sale" they did not get this message.  So, I many potential customers may you be using when you don't offer a mobile app for your website?

With a saturation of smartphones on the market more and more businesses are using a mobile marketing strategy for new innovative ways to reach customers. Smartphones have the high-end advanced functions required for mobile marketing. Smartphones can run third-party applications including merchant applications and GPS location applications. Combining smart new applications like QR Codes, mobile coupons with location-based applications are allowing the consumer to research, retrieve texts from businesses and receive local discount offers.

One of the popular mobile marketing trends is the use of QR Codes. QR Codes are an instantly recognizable code which when scanned with a smart mobile takes the user to a website which can provide videos, coupons, promotions and reviews on a particular product or merchant. Many smart mobiles like the Apple iPhone, Google's Android and the RIM BlackBerry, have the capacity to download a QR Code application which allows accessibility to the information stored in the QR Code.  Beach Bums Marketing will get you set up with a QR Code quickly. 

Through the use of loyalty programs, merchants can send interested users mobile coupons, texts of last-minute deals, promotions and weekly ads. In a recent mobile marketing strategy merchants keep many deals under wraps until after loyalty customers have been texted the information first.

Location based services on smart mobiles allow users to receive local discount offers along with local merchant information close to the area of the user. Smartphones have GPS navigation units and also feature many GPS location applications. This was the last piece of the puzzle required for location marketing as the user shares this information.

More mobile users than ever before are texting and sharing photos through smartphone applications. First only used by business executives now smartphones have reached a younger audience which are introducing an older generation to the benefits of smartphone use. Smartphones have opened new venues for consumers. They are also reviewing and buying products, checking out coupons and group deals through their mobiles by using an enhanced shopping experience and taking advantage of mobile marketing trends. Worldwide more than half of all mobile users are smart mobile users and in the US approximately forty-three percent of all mobile users have a smartphone. There is a growing dependence on the smartphone due to its capability to perform office tasks, check email, mobile banking, make purchases, along with countless online web services and third-party applications. Along with the increased use of smartphones mobile marketing trends are continuing to be developed for smartphone users.

Contact us NOW for a free mobile strategy consultation.....stop losing potential customers to your business!

81pc of smartphone owners have accessed a retail mobile site


Whether it is for researching or directly shopping, consumers are interacting with retailers in multiple ways on their mobile devices, according to a new study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

In a recent study on Mobile Shoppers: Growing Adoption Shifts Shopping Landscape looked at the impact that mobile sites, apps, coupons and offers will have on consumer shopping this holiday season. The study also breaks down which cities in the United States are savviest when it comes to mobile shopping.

Consumers will use their mobile devices to shop more this holiday season.  You may ask yourself:   Is my website mobile ready?  Will they be able to view our products on their phone?

They are going to use their mobile device for everything from researching, to buying, comparison shopping and buying spur of the moment.

In our stressful lives, consumers have found that phones can be a useful tool during the holiday season.

Get mobile ready today - contact us for a free strategy session!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Are you ready for mobile shoppers?

In a recent Mobile Insights biannual study that surveyed 20,000 consumers across fifteen top United States markets in June 2012 it was discovered that approximately 68 percent of U.S. consumers own a mobile device, which is classified as a smartphone, tablet or ereader. This is an increase from 57.2 percent in 2011.

Interesting Facts:
  • Smartphone owners are equally split between males and females, per the research.
  • More than half of smartphone owners have used their devices inside a store in the past three months. Thirty percent of tablet owners have done the same.
  • Forty-seven percent of mobile owners have a QR code reader downloaded onto their device.
  • The report also points to a study from comScore in July, which found that 81 percent of smartphone owners used their mobile devices to access a retailer’s mobile site or app. These users also tend to skew younger in age than desktop users and point to mobile becoming a primary medium for consumers to shop from.

With the holiday season upon us, it's important to have a mobile strategy in place for your clients.

Are you mobile ready?  Contact us today for a free strategy session!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are you ready for couch commerce?

This holiday season, PayPal predicts that couch commerce will explode even further.

The term was coined by eBay and PayPal, and last year, both companies predicted that Thanksgiving Day 2011 would be a day when consumers went from their dinner table to their couch to start their holiday day shopping on Thanksgiving Day on their mobile devices.

Both companies saw a 511 percent increase in global mobile payment activity than on Thanksgiving Day 2010.

“Retail has fundamentally changed,” said Anuj Nayar, director of communications for PayPal, San Jose, CA. “We expect to see some of the phenomenon, massive spike in shopping on Thanksgiving Day and couch commerce to explode.

“We also expect to see a percentage of shopping from mobile devices to rise.”

According to Mr. Nayar, although many marketers tend to differentiate mobile and online shopping, the two are similar in many ways. Mobile shopping, however, is done on a smaller device.
“From our point-of-view, mobile is popular,” Mr. Nayar said. “People shop on their smartphones during the day and their tablets at night.

According to the executive, PayPal sees shopping from their mobile devices during the hours of noon to 1p.m. and users turning to their tablets from 6-7 p.m.

“The way that people shop from their devices is different,” Mr. Nayar said. “It just varies at each device.

The shopping paradigm is changing and mobile is changing that,” he said. “I think the key point that we’re seeing as a company, is that consumers are using technology in new ways to find the best deals and they’re fundamentally changing what retail means and how people shop.

“The mobile device, more than anything else, has bridged the lines between online and in-store commerce. It’s changing the ways that consumers shop. Retailers have to react to catch up to what consumers are doing.”

“Consumers are exercising their mobile shopping skills, with more than two-fifths – 41 percent – pre-shopping online versus only 27 percent in 2011,” he said. “”Consumers have increased their use of smartphones inside stores and are leveraging their devices to the frustration of retailers.”

Contact us TODAY so that you are ready for the couch consumer!  It's never too late to get your website mobile friendly!

Are you ready for mobile shoppers?

Mobile shopping

For many marketers, mobile is an important medium to use to help them interact with the connected shopper.

According to Vibes’ Mobile Consumer Report, 54 percent of connected shoppers have compared prices in-store. In addition, 51 percent have looked up a product review, showing there is not much of a gap between comparison shopping and gathering more information about a purchase – leaving a huge opportunity for retailers.

Vibes believes that connected shoppers use their mobile devices a great deal while shopping in-store.
Of the additional in-store activities the connected shopper conducts, 45 percent have scanned a QR or bar code for more information, 33 percent have researched a product on the store’s Web site and 28 percent have used a company’s app in the store.

Additionally, 76 percent of connected shoppers use coupons at least half of the time while shopping; more than half have used mobile coupons, proving that relevant and timely offers continue to play an important role in consumer purchasing habits.

Smarter shoppers
According to the PeriscopeIQ Retail Intelligence Survey, consumers are becoming savvy shoppers, with more 41 percent pre-shopping online versus only 27 percent doing so last year.
Thirty-three percent check prices at other stores or at Web sites.

Similarly, 36 percent are using their phones to take pictures of merchandise, presumably for feedback from friends or family, or for comparison shopping.

Additionally, fewer than five percent of respondents claim to use mobile wallets like Google Wallet or Passbook.

“Despite the commotion about shopping on Black Friday, only a little more than a third – 38 percent – will be shopping this season”, said Mohamed Latib, chief operating officer of PeriscopeIQ. “A significant 60 percent won’t bother battling crowds the day after Thanksgiving.”

Get your business mobile ready today!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

College Kids Use Mobile During Thanksgiving

Mobile is also effecting college kids.

Did you know that two in five students – 38 percent – say they will do holiday shopping on Thanksgiving?

Moreover, 22 percent of students are more likely to decline a Thanksgiving meal invitation if they know they would not be able to use their mobile devices while there.

The Digitas study also revealed that 76 percent of those who shop by mobile device and computer say that it is easier to shop via computer.

Only eight percent of consumers surveyed said their shopping experience was easier via mobile and 16 percent said there is no difference between the two.  The reason?  Mobile businesses do not have their website mobile yours? 

The big news for retailers is that the battle for shoppers is definitely getting beyond just getting them in the store or onto the ecommerce site.  It’s also about getting on people’s smartphones and tablets.

Mobile makes life shoppable – so retailers and brands need to focus on being a part of those moments when people are shopping on their mobile devices.  Honestly, the most surprising finding was that there were actually people who would decline an invitation to Thanksgiving if they couldn’t use their smartphones.

I thought that if there is one institution that could withstand our increasing need to always be connected, it would be Thanksgiving. But it just indicates how much mobile is changing behaviors, attitudes and culture.

According to many, mobile is going to play a very substantial role in the holiday shopping this season.

It’s going to play three key roles.  As a way for people to research and compare features and prices, as a way for people to transact and as a way for brands and retailers to proactively reach out with offers and information.

What you you using to drive Black Friday Sales?

There is no doubt that mobile has made its dent in the retail space and marketers are not only increasingly using the medium this holiday season to drive in-store traffic, but educating consumers to turn to their mobile devices first to make purchases.  So what have you done in your business to attract the mobile client?

Did you know that every holiday season, brands and retailers come up with new ways to increase sales. Over the past few years, many have integrated mobile into their strategies and have found success.  Our findings reinforce that mobile is not just another channel.

We live in a technology-driven cultural phenomenon that is changing how people are connecting to brands and commerce.  With more consumers shopping on their devices, brands are being provided with more mobile moments to address and create impact – even during a time of turkey, football, and family.

As mobile becomes the primary way for more and more people to connect to digital – including commerce – we’ll find that every day is mobile, not just Thursday or Monday.

Mobile only
Did you know that the retail market is embracing and igniting “Mobile Thursday” by early store hours or online sales?  Don't get left behind by not having a mobile strategy!

Take eBay for example. The company is ramping up its mobile efforts by heavily promoting mobile-only deals, which begin at 5:23 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

According to a recent study by Digitas, 28 percent of smartphone or tablet-owning adults plan to shop on Thanksgiving Day for the holidays with their mobile devices. This will be nearly double the percentage from 2011.

Furthermore, 29 percent of smartphone or tablet owners say that they have or plan to use their mobile device to assist with upcoming Thanksgiving holiday preparations. That number rises to 40 percent when focused on adults aged 18-34.

So NOW is the time to get your business mobile ready!  It's not too late.  Yes, many will be shopping this coming Black Friday yet we are all looking for the best deal. 

Contact us TODAY to get started:

Friday, November 16, 2012


That's the million dollar question!

Can your customers easily get to product information, services, contact information, or locations?


Does your site fit to the mobile browser window or do you have to scroll around to navigate on your phone?


Just because you have a website doesn't mean that your website is suitable for a mobile phone. For example, iPhone and iPad are not compatible with flash players therefore those users cannot access your site.


Mobile Websites solve that problem for you... we take your website and redesign it to fit all smartphones so mobile users can easily access and navigate through your website. The most successful companies in the world have mobile websites and mobile apps so why don't you?


If you are not mobile right now, you are likely missing over 30% of your highest demographic customers... don't let that be you!

You need to start somewhere, Mobile Websites are the perfect and most affordable way to get started!





Monday, November 12, 2012

Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

Driving on the freeway today I see signs everywhere asking me to download the latest mobile app such as "download The Toll Roads mobile app today." 

On the radio I'm asked to download the Vons app for additional savings while shopping at their apps are getting popular.

With most people using their smartphone over the personal computers to search on where to go for shopping or a meal out with family and/or friends, they will use the phone to find that special place.

Is your business website mobile ready?  Will they click on your site and browse or will they click away?

The choice is yours.....get mobile today with Beach Bums Marketing.  Your full service social media partner.

Dunkin’ Donuts gives mobile payments app a jolt with targeted offers


The deals section of the Dunkin' Donuts app
Dunkin’ Donuts is strengthening its position in the mobile space by updating its commerce-enabled application with location-based offers that reward consumers for paying through their handsets.
Since launching its app earlier this year, Dunkin’ Donuts has been aggressively marketing it with multiple campaigns. The Dunkin’ Donuts app is available for iPhone and Android devices.
“Dunkin’ Donuts guests are always on the go, and increasingly reliant on mobile devices,” said Scott Hudler, vice president of global consumer engagement for Dunkin’ Brands, Canton, MA.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Get Ready to be Mobile!

Thirty-four percent of all online shoppers make purchases on their mobile devices. 

And by the year 2015, Juniper Research expects that the m-commerce market will surge to account for $670 billion in world-wide retail sales.

No matter how you feel about m-commerce, these projections are hard to ignore. So if you're looking to maximize your profit margins and get the most out of your e-commerce experience, then having a mobile extension of your online store is a modern necessity.

Now that the world has gone mobile, maybe its time you should too!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

3 Critical Mobile Marketing Insights

1. Mobile will bury the PC.

When some, like me, say that PCs will die, it doesn't mean disappear. There are things you can do only on a machine with enough power and screen real estate. However, that number is going to quickly get smaller than the number of mobile devices.

According to Meeker, by the end of 2013, there will be about 160 Android devices, 80 million iOS devices, and 100 million Windows devices shipping per quarter. That's 2.4 times as many "mobile operating system" products than the old Windows standard. Meeker also thinks that by the end of the second quarter in 2013, the installed base of tablets and smartphones will be larger than the installed PC base.
Have you been ignoring mobile? Then you're already behind the times and had best get a move on.

2. You cannot ignore tablets.
One of the impressive statistics from Meeker's review in May was the speed at which people were adopting iPads--three times the rate of iPhones. That number has increased, as iPad adoption is now five times as high as iPhones, and that doesn't include the new iPad Mini.

That said, this is a bigger phenomenon than even the hyper focus on Apple would suggest. According to market research firm IDC, Apple's third quarter tablet market share was 50%. Instead of seeing that as a diminution of the iMachine company, see it as an expansion of the overall market.

In other words, you can no longer afford to ignore the tablet as a medium, whether you create apps, deliver online services of any sort to customers, or market electronically.

3. "i" isn't enough.
A common mobile strategy you can see in the market is the focus on all things Apple. Walk into any electronics store and you will see racks, if not aisles, devoted to iThings. A big reason is the ability to address a large group of users with a small set of designs. The same is true for app design, where skipping Android avoids the variability you can find in the platform.

The desire for economy is understood. However, reality should kick in. Android smartphone adoption is growing six times faster than that of the iPhone. There are caveats you can apply from other data. For example, it will include many less expensive units and all sorts of global markets. But to assume you can ignore Android is to say you can safely avoid the biggest part of the potential market.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Which mobile channel will reign this holiday season?

Toys R Us creates equivalent of holiday registry fLarge retailers first to embrace mobile marketing
This holiday season marketers are going to be using different mobile channels such as QR codes, mobile advertising, SMS and applications to drive in-store traffic, engagement and sales. However, which one will lead the pack?

Mobile has changed over the years. Retailers such as Target and Starbucks are using mobile to interact with consumers on a deeper level.

"If the recent CMO Council survey is to be believed, you can ask whether marketers are looking at the holiday season differently this year,” said Jeff Hasen, chief marketing officer at HipCricket, New York.

“Only 16 percent had a mobile strategy,” he said. “Contrast that with mobile users who are way ahead when it comes to mobile and the holidays – 56 percent of mobile shoppers will showroom and 27 percent will buy via their devices, according to Accenture.

"This creates excellent opportunities for mobile-savvy marketers to differentiate and satisfy the needs of the mobile subscriber and sell more stuff.”

‘Tis the seasonAccording to Mr. Hasen, many marketers who will win will provide consumers with mobile choices rather than dictate that interaction happens through one medium or another.

"Marketers should think of inclusive mobile strategies rather than ones that exclude users who have neither the technology nor the interest in interacting in just one way dictated by a brand."

“My wife has adapted her buying experience to include mobile, but the next time she scans a QR code will be the first time,” Mr. Hasen said. “However, if you give her an optimized mobile site, convince her the experience is secure and provide a winning price and convenience, the deal is done.”
Mobile presents marketers with key opportunities to reach consumers like they could never before.
According to the National Retail Federation, online holiday sales are predicted to grow by 12 percent this year and retailers are promoting new tactics to drive sales on mobile devices.

“Because of this, I predict that we will see QR codes utilized by major brands to help facilitate mobile and online sales,” said Laura Marriott, CEO of NeoMedia, Denver.

“Brands will also leverage bar codes to drive customer loyalty through, for example, driving consumers to mobile rebate pages or product comparison pages at the point-of-sale,” he said.

Emerging technologiesIndustry experts agree that brands and retailers will incorporate more mobile initiatives this year.
There will be an increase in some of the basics – such as the establishment of mobile sites, SMS and QR codes – and also an increase in mobile commerce, including NFC, mobile payments and couponing.

“Deloitte predicts that shoppers' smartphone activity, including research, coupon use and purchases, could account for $36 billion in holiday sales this year,” Ms. Marriott said. “As always, online shopping will prove to be the most-utilized forum for holiday shoppers, but we will see much more of the traffic to online sites come from mobile devices,” she said. “Because consumers have a powerful device at their fingertips, marketers need to ensure that their sites are optimized for mobile device access which will ultimately lead to sales.

“This is especially important, seeing that a new report from Gartner found in 2011, 79 percent of major advertisers had not launched a mobile friendly site.”

Ms. Marriott believes that mobile commerce and couponing will continue to be prominent within the industry.

Nowadays, consumers are always looking to save money – especially during the upcoming holiday seasons.

Therefore, coupons will be big. However, mobile coupons will be even more impactful.
Consumers are constantly on-the-go, therefore giving them an option to save coupons to their mobile devices to be redeemed at the point-of-sale will be essential.

“Coupons will offer consumers the opportunity to make an immediate purchase on their device, and this trend will continue to increase as the use of coupons via mobile devices have already risen 10 percent from last year, according to Deloitte,” Ms. Marriott said.

“Additionally, as showrooming remains a critical issue for retailers, we’ll start to see more retailers/brands utilizing mobile to their advantage,” she said.
“For example, they may choose to include a QR code on their packaging/in-store signage to drive consumers to a landing page which compares the product to similar products from other brands, both in price and features.”
According to Vivian Rosenthal, founder/CEO of GoldRun, New York, mobile apps have become the go-to channel for brands for the holidays because they allow brands to connect with consumers while they're on the go, in-store and at home.
"QR codes are being replaced by GPS-based experiences, which don't require the user to scan anything," Ms. Rosenthal said. "And while SMS is in widespread use, it doesn't create a personal or visual connection with the consumer the way a mobile app experience can, if done well.
"Bringing consumers into a dialogue with the brand is critical," she said.
This holiday season, mobile marketing is going to explode and be the biggest way that brands reach consumers in the coming years.
"We are anticipating photo sharing on mobile as the go to solution for brands because it creates both a personal connection with the brand and also has the viral effect that the retailers are looking for," Ms. Rosenthal said.

Testing on mobile
The biggest opportunity for retailers and brands this holiday season is to connect and engage with customers via their connected smartphones.
While QR codes, SMS, and the promise of NFC are likely exciting to marketing departments, they are really just vehicles for driving traffic.

"The question every retailer and brand should be asking is 'what experience are we providing to mobile consumers and how can we best drive conversions?' said Wilson Kerr, vice president of business development and sales at Unbound Commerce, Boston.

"Any marketer that is not working in lockstep with their ecommerce team to ensure an optimal mobile commerce experience delivery is simply not paying attention," he said. "An integrated, dedicated mobile commerce site is the obvious first and most-important step to unlocking the door to mobile traffic and subsequent conversions as sales revenue.

"All else is secondary, as there’s no use driving mobile traffic to a site not ready to receive it."
According to Mr. Kerr, real world trigger points such as NFC ad QR codes are hot, but an often overlooked key to mobile commerce success is a rapid seamless checkout process.

"Mobile integration with ecommerce registration allows mobile users to access pre-stored shipping and billing information so this data is autofilled on a mobile device, at checkout," Mr. Kerr said.

Key trends
Although there are many emerging mobile technologies out there, QR codes are becoming a hot commodity.

"QR codes will reign this holiday season,QR codes is the new generation of modern technology innovation," said Isabella Lin, content director at Appitalism, New York.

"Consumers expect immediate service and immediately understanding and knowledge of the product in this holiday season, this only QR can be done," she said. "For the interest of consumers, QR codes can provide all - service projects, the commitment of the transaction in the form of additional benefits, coupons, video lottery, social media interaction.

"Additionally, QR codes also helps ads break through the clutter."
In the past marketers were facing dizzying array of options to help capture the audience's attention and drive sales.

Mobile technology has rapidly gained momentum.

"Mobile and the upcoming holiday season follow with QR code potential is immeasurable, the next generation of bar code, will be held - so much more information and an Internet connection, will not even be necessary," Ms. Lin said.

"The content will be simple and efficiently embedded in the code," she said. "You will see QR code in all areas of the market everywhere."
Proliferation of devices

Over the past few months, there has been a proliferation of new devices including Apple's new iPad mini, iPhone 5 an the new Windows 8 tablet.

Tablets are becoming bigger and bigger each and every day.

"The tablet will rein this holiday season," said Bruce Bennett, CEO of Mad Mobile. "We will witness the first large scale test of the shopping season couch surfer/buyer.

"A recent study shows that 73 percent of consumers prefer to shop on mobile-optimized sites rather than just 27 percent of people who prefer to shop on a mobile app," he said. "So when it comes to shopping this holiday season, mobile-optimized sites will be the primary medium where consumers are engaging with brands.

"It is important to note that mobile shopping does not necessarily mean mobile purchasing. You have two types of mobile shoppers – those using their smartphone to search for information such as store location and hours, price comparison and product reviews, and those who are actually looking to make a purchase on their mobile device. It is equally important to have a mobile-optimized site for both types of shoppers."

Marketers will try to balance their omni-channel efforts. Mr. Bennett believes that spending will increase.

"Microsoft will be a huge player in the rise in spending around their launch of Windows 8," Mr. Bennett said. "Mobile and social ad spend will be a large part of the $1B plus spend for this holiday season rollout.

"Windows 8 is a massive step in the direction of touch management for laptops and tablets," he said. "Mobile marketing was a key contributor to the 2011 holiday shopping season and it will be much bigger in 2012 as more and more consumers are using their mobile devices for shopping.

"Large spend on tablets of all vendors, sizes and price ranges. The widespread rollout of 4G LTE will make true mobile web browsing a reality for mobile phones. Showrooming in its many forms will affect the majority of mobile shoppers. This will be the basis for a mobile-ffirst strategy for holiday seasons to come."

Monday, October 15, 2012

73pc of users engage with American Family Insurance ads

American Family Insurance
American Family Insurance is seeing a strong initial engagement rate on a new mobile ad campaign that uses video and games to increase brand awareness and ultimately drive quotes from agents.
American Family Insurance is using three different types of ad creatives for its “Long Live Dreams” campaign that promotes safe driving including two branded games and a long-form video unit. The company is working with SessionM and Mindshare on this initiative.
“The ability for a regional advertiser to be integrated into a content experience is difficult because publishers do not often make it available to target consumers in specific markets,” said Bill Clifford, chief revenue officer at SessionM, Boston.
“What American Family Insurance likes about our platform is that we are deeply integrated into the app experience and that we can deliver targeted ads,” he said.
American Family Insurance claims to be the third-largest mutual property/casual insurance company in the United States with operations in 19 states.
American Family Insurance
Mobile drivers
The ads are running in SessionM’s network of apps and are targeted in areas where American Family Insurance provides its services.
American Family Insurance has partnered with Habitat for Humanity on the campaign.
By either watching a video or playing a game inside the ad, consumers can earn points that can be redeemed for a donation to Habitat for Humanity. For each 1,000 points that a consumer earns, $2 will be donated.
The two 30-second game units involved encourage users to avoid obstacles while steering a virtual car or flick away threats in an arcade-style game.
Once a user either finishes the game or watches the video, a page pops up where users can see their score, redeem the points towards the donation, click-to-call an American Family Insurance agent or add a reminder to their phone’s calendar to call an agent later.
“From a brand-building perspective, it is effective but at the end of the day, they need to get people to call for quotes,” Mr. Clifford said.
“Everything is top of the funnel and winning consumers over with the brand to ultimately move them down the path to calling an agent,” he said.
Initial results from the campaign are promising. In addition to the 73 percent opt-in engagement rate, the campaign has seen a 17 percent click-through rate for the click-to-call portion of the campaign.
The campaign runs through the end of the year.
Beyond the banner
As mobile advertising matures, marketers are increasingly looking to break out of banner ad units.
Banner ads essentially port desktop display into mobile phones and tablets, meaning that the ad units do not necessarily tap into the context or behavior of mobile users, per Mr. Clifford.
Additionally, a large amount of banner click ads are unintentional. In fact a study from Harris Interactive on behalf of Pontiflex in December 2010 found that 47 percent of clicks on mobile ads are accidental (see story).
By incorporating reward-based advertising into apps, SessionM believes that consumers will be more likely to interact with advertising that is contextually relevant to app content. This also pushes mobile advertising to be more invitational versus invasive.
“We are trying to create a paradigm shift to a scenario where consumers are actually looking for ads and they like the experience,” Mr. Clifford said.
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