Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What you you using to drive Black Friday Sales?

There is no doubt that mobile has made its dent in the retail space and marketers are not only increasingly using the medium this holiday season to drive in-store traffic, but educating consumers to turn to their mobile devices first to make purchases.  So what have you done in your business to attract the mobile client?

Did you know that every holiday season, brands and retailers come up with new ways to increase sales. Over the past few years, many have integrated mobile into their strategies and have found success.  Our findings reinforce that mobile is not just another channel.

We live in a technology-driven cultural phenomenon that is changing how people are connecting to brands and commerce.  With more consumers shopping on their devices, brands are being provided with more mobile moments to address and create impact – even during a time of turkey, football, and family.

As mobile becomes the primary way for more and more people to connect to digital – including commerce – we’ll find that every day is mobile, not just Thursday or Monday.

Mobile only
Did you know that the retail market is embracing and igniting “Mobile Thursday” by early store hours or online sales?  Don't get left behind by not having a mobile strategy!

Take eBay for example. The company is ramping up its mobile efforts by heavily promoting mobile-only deals, which begin at 5:23 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

According to a recent study by Digitas, 28 percent of smartphone or tablet-owning adults plan to shop on Thanksgiving Day for the holidays with their mobile devices. This will be nearly double the percentage from 2011.

Furthermore, 29 percent of smartphone or tablet owners say that they have or plan to use their mobile device to assist with upcoming Thanksgiving holiday preparations. That number rises to 40 percent when focused on adults aged 18-34.

So NOW is the time to get your business mobile ready!  It's not too late.  Yes, many will be shopping this coming Black Friday yet we are all looking for the best deal. 

Contact us TODAY to get started:  www.beachbumsmarketing.com

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